Thursday, 25 February 2010

6. What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Our original task was to create two pages for a school website. There was only two pages that needed to be made so much thought wasn't needed as one was to be a homepage and another a media page. The pictures were simple to get as we were already in a school so all the picture locations were close by. We got ideas for our website by researching other sites for schools as shown by pictures below:

In total we researched 6 school sites to help us get a grip on what conventions they used and how they used them. We ended up trying to use the conventions of The Charles Darwin Homepage with a black and white theme. This ended up being quite hard as you can only confidently using those two colours with out it being too in you face.

The main aspect of the of Darwin's site we used was the header and menu bar in the header.

In a way we done the same research process for our charity site. We also researched 6 charity sites, below is a few of the sites we researched:

As the WWF site is the most similar to our charity we decided to use the conventions and style of it, as it provides a very clean and crisp look.

As a lot more research and time was spent planning this site a lot of the ideas we had got a lot more complicated to actually do. For example we needed to create a logo to use on every page of our site and for our intro page. Below is a screenshot of the process we had to go through to make our into logo on Adobe Photoshop.

This is how we used the logo on our actual site, we hyperlinked both parts to take
consumers into our homepage.
Our second task was having to create a video to do with the topic of the environment. The first problem we had was coming up with the initial idea. The idea was to film clouds over over night but set the camera to take a frame every 30 seconds so when finished and played over would give the impression that the clouds are moving faster than they actually are. As we didn't what the trouble of having to record a voiceover we decided to add text into the film using Final Cut Express. As another part of the video we have to use audio, for this we used an audio track that was suitable for the video.

This is a screenshot of how i added the text and mp3 to my footage that i recorded.

Another part that of the website that was hard to grasp was applying html. To make the site more realistic i decided to add an official donate button that linked up with Pay-Pal.

This is a small part of what it looked like when making it on iWeb.

This is a shot of what it looks like when the site is published and when clicked on donate.

1 comment:

  1. 'The key to making sure you address a wide range of people is to keep it smart and a simple this way everyone can understand it' needs evidence from your survey, and if your survey isn't genuine . . . then you will have trouble finding the evidence that is truly supportive.
    The survey should show some elements of audience uses and gratifications - that means that you should be able to use the survey to prove that people will come to your site and enjoy it because you have responded to them (by reading their responses in the survey) and given them the best they can possibly wish for.
    Annotate the screen prints, just to anchor them and give a clue as to why you've put them there.
    'i am hoping to represent in my media product are Age and Gender' must be supported by your survey. If your survey isn't genuine, then . . .
    'looks very smart' - analyse this with evidence. It doesn't need to be long, and you've already said a lot about this. But the screen prints can be annotated to show some of this.
    The use of close ups on natural things is excellent.
    There is no reason why you shouldn't develop the merged image effect that the 'Worldwide Experience' website has.
    Questions 2, 4 and 5 are totally dependent on you having a proper survey.
    Targets are to complete the other parts of the blog (list below) and to get your video sorted. We may be able to use the existing footage.

    These are your AS Blogspot posts
    1. Review
    2. Website analysis and review
    3. Survey starter
    4. Media brief
    5. Website annotations
    6. Improved brief
    7. Young and Rubicam survey result and comment
    8. Website research findings
    9. Main survey

    followed by the seven points (you must read and use Seven point evaluation)

    10. i. In what ways . . . conventions
    11. ii. Represent social groups
    12. iii. Who is your audience
    13. iv. How do you attract an audience
    14. v. Website distribution
    15. vi. What have you learned about technology
    16. vii. What have you learned in the progression from first site to main site.
